Friday, August 23, 2013

Hold Your Breath Haulout!

Walking the boat forward for Haulout

A Careful Helping Hand
No matter how many times we haul out the boat, it’s always a nerve-racking experience.  We can’t help but wonder if the straps are secured and in the right position, if the sides of the boat will be protected, and will the boat be properly supported when “on the hard?”  On the morning of August 22nd, we motored to the lift at KKMI Boat Yard, located in Richmond Yacht Harbor.  We were third in line for our haulout.  The lift attendants asked us about the boat’s weight and bottom configuration; we showed them markings on the side of our boat which indicated the position for straps.  The attendants walked the boat forward into a narrow space, positioning the boat over the straps draped low in the water. 

And Up She Goes
Once the slings were in position, Got d’ Fever was hoisted slowly out of the water - 60,000 pounds suspended by only two straps!  With the boat secure in her sling, the enormous lift drove to the yard where her underside was power washed and cleaned.  
And UP
Ready for an Underbelly Wash
Next she was driven to a more permanent spot for bottom painting and other maintenance work.  

Backing Into Our Work Space
Placing Wood Supports under the Keel
Now comes the really scary part - large wood blocks are positioned under the boat on which she will sit; the boat is lowered onto these supports while iron boat-stands are added to each side of the boat for lateral support.  When all the supports are in place, the straps are released and we hold our breath!  Talented yard employees know exactly what they are doing and make it look so easy but we are always impressed.  
Adding Iron Boat-Stands
Our project manager was on site within the hour and shortly thereafter the assigned workers were prepping and sanding Got d’ Fever for a new coat of bottom paint.  In addition to work being done by the yard, we had planned to take care of some maintenance items on our own.  Most yards don’t allow boaters to live on their boat while it’s in the yard, KKMI is a rare exception.  Stay tuned to hear about our day-to-day living in a boat yard!

Releasing the Straps - Hold Your Breath!

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