Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Magical Cruise

Dolphins Racing with Got d' Fever
Dolphins Playing Across the Sea
Speed, Name of the Game
Heading for Cabo San Lucas and the tropics - we departed Bahia Santa Maria on November 7th at 5am in calm seas with little to no wind for our 24-hour sojourn.  During mid morning we saw a large number of Dolphin pods displaying their antics all over the sea, quite a sight to behold.  As expected, a group came to ride along our bow in the morning light, perfect for some great photos.  Around noon we saw a sea turtle swim past the boat, an indication that we were nearing the tropics.  Indeed, around 4pm we officially crossed the Tropic of Cancer and entered what is called “the tropics” - the area between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.  It is customary for boaters to dunk themselves in the water or have some kind of special ceremony when crossing one of three significant latitudes.  For us, it was taking out a bottle of Champagne to celebrate and a photo opportunity on the bow of our boat.  The Tropic of Cancer (also referred to as the Northern Tropic) currently lies 23° 26 16 - its position is not fixed but varies dictated by the tilt of the Earth’s axis relative to the plane of its orbit.  It is presently drifting south at the rate of almost half a second of latitude per year.  At night fall, we could see countless stars and the band of the Milky Way Galaxy arching across the night sky in all its glory.  Lights on the masts of the sailboats could be seen in the distance bobbing in the water, it was a magical cruise.  The crescent moon appeared at 12:30am, shaped like a bowl with an orange rim.  We finally reached Cabo at dusk and peered at the huge sea stacks and homes tucked in the hillsides through blurry eyes - we had reached a significant milestone, having come 2,400 nautical miles or 2,750 statute miles.  Tomorrow would be the “we cheated death once again” ceremony and celebration with the Baja Ha Ha Fleet.

Dolphins Looking Up At Us
Calm Seas!

The Milky Way

Approaching Cabo at Dawn

Sea Stacks at Cabo

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