Thursday, May 2, 2013

What’s that Foul Smell?

Sea Strainer Basket
While anchored in Bahia Santa Maria awaiting weather, Leonard made use of his time by cleaning out the sea strainers.  Sea strainers filter debris from sea water that is used to cool the engines; it's necessary to periodically empty out the strainer baskets.  Disappearing below decks, Leonard began this important task and soon a most unpleasant smell rose from the engine room, filling the entire boat.  “What’s that terrible stench!?” I asked.  Leonard appeared from the engine room with a bucket of sea water filled with krill.  The sides and bottom of the sea strainers were thick with these tiny critters. 

“Now I know what whale breath smells like” Leonard said as he dumped the water back into the sea.  We opened the doors, windows, and turned on the fans to rid the boat of the fowl, obnoxious order.  Even Java wondered what in the world could cause such a stench and from where was it coming?  The lowly krill averages only about two inches in length, but it is a giant link in the global food chain.  These small, shrimp-like crustaceans are the main staple in the diets of literally hundreds of different animals, from fish to birds, to baleen whales, seals, and squid. 

Krill, an important link in the food chain
Commercial fishing of krill provides bait for sport fishermen, aquarium feeds, and is even added to pet food.  In Japan and Russia, krill is used for human consumption but we’ll pass on that, thank you.  Later that day we were visited by a local fisherman in a panga, offering to sell his fresh catch of lobster.  Who could resist such an offer?  We paid for the lobster and he thoughtfully cleaned and prepared it; all we had to do was cook it!  Fishermen in these remote villages appreciate purchases to help support their families and also appreciate other gifts like candy for their children and grandchildren; we were happy to oblige.
Fishing Huts at Bahia Santa Rosalia

A Local Fisheman Shares His Catch
Cleaned Lobster Ready to Grill
BBQ Grilled Lobster Dinner

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